Monday, April 20, 2009

alpha and omega

welp, the first day of my first summer semester was successful [after rearranging my schedule last night]. I have already done too much homework and have much more homework to do and a new day of classes tomorrow. I went to ward FHE to not meet my FHE brothers, because they were not there. whatever. i have seen matt, ace, chase, tyler, nate, jacob, kelsey, meagan, met new roommates, got a weeks worth of mail, drank one horkley's sized diet coke, went to the grocery store, spent too much on too many books, experienced rare rexburg, april 75 degree weather, played stupid get-to-know-you games, unpacked, already blogged, stalked people on fb, and so much more in the little over 24 hours i've been back in rexburg.

but i need more sleep [already], i need more pinkberry, in.n.out, anthropologie, nordstrom, urban, cooper, jgk&k, time for fun things, time for homework, money, family, but most of all i need my faves THE GIRLS UPSTAIRS!!!!!!

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